A Shutterbug explores the surrounding areas of Cape Ann MA each week with her camera and her assistant, most times. We do look for 'the magic' and sometimes it appears when we are seemingly not looking. What a gift! What treasures nature offers!

(scroll down for link you want)

'It is in the shelter of each other that people live.'
~ Irish Proverb

Tuesday ~ Our World Tuesday ~
Snow and Rain on Cape Ann MA ~ then we got more snow today ~ Tis winter here.

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday link

Wednesday ~ ABC Wednesday ~
'B' for Buoy ~ this is a lobster buoy that marks the lobstermen's traps that they put in the ocean on Cape Ann MA
 ~ this one washed ashore and was found on the beach.

Sharing with ABC Wednesday link

Wednesday ~ Warm My Heart Wednesday ~ 
This little fur person warms my heart daily.

Sharing with Warm My Heart Wednesday link

Thursday ~ Good Fences
Path and fence leading to the beach on Cape Ann MA.

Sharing with: Good Fences link

Friday ~ Sky Watch Friday
Beautiful sun set here on Cape Ann MA ~  before the snow storm a few days later.

Sharing with: Sky Watch Friday link

Friday ~ Haiku My Heart
Haiku for you and Haiku My Heart:

Sharing with: Haiku My Heart link

Saturday ~ Camera Critters and Saturday Critters ~
Sharing with:

Camera Critters
Saturday Critters

Sunday ~ Sunday Sketches

Pages of my Artist Journal Challenge ~ These were birdhouses that I painted to decorate my fence. The birds are for fun.

Sharing with Sunday Sketches link ~ check it out.

We are wishing you the best in each day. xox

Your posted comments delight us. thanks, ^_^


  1. I love the snowy rainy view through the window. The haiku describing the snow as angel gifts to brighten up the grey landscape is wonderful.

    You little dog looks snug. That bird looks like it wants in where it is warm.

  2. All smile-bring photos, especially Wednesdays :)

  3. Hello Carol, great collection of images. We had some snow yesterday, only a dusting. Is your last bird an Oriole or a goldfinch, the color is throwing me off. Your sweet dog is adorable. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

    1. Eileen ~ I do think it might be a goldfinch ~ tried to check my Birds of MA but struggled with deciding myself ~ not used to seeing such colorful birds in the Winter here in MA ~ What a treat!

  4. OMG Carol, Is this oriole at your house now?? It is way off course as to the season it is supposed to be in your area. How exciting if it is. I am sure the birders in your community would love to see it if it is there now. Of course you would be inundated with birders if it is true. Better keep it to yourself. I love seeing your sketches and reading your haiku. Snow is a blessing. I just love it, especially now that I don't have to trudge out to work in it.

  5. A wonderful heart warming post even with all the snow & winters weather!
    I really enjoyed your Haiku & sky watch photo & what a treat to spot a cute little feathered friend!
    Enjoy your week!

  6. Lovely bird, unexpected in the snow. And fur person's melting eyes are beautifully captured! Enjoyed all your pictures and captions.

  7. That fence shot is also a good Shadow Shot Sunday and a few more pictures and you have a Thirteen Thursday! Nice shots!

  8. I love the snow shots, and of course the photo of your fabulous furry friend.

  9. Lovely birds and birdhouses for Sunday Sketches Carol. I love the soft colours.

  10. Wonderful shots. Sunset is fantastic.

  11. Oh, I just love that picture of the rain and the snow. That's my kinda weather, feel the atmosphere, lovely.

  12. Did you keep that lobster buoy? It would be a fun treasure to find!

    Art Muse Dog has the most expressive eyes. Loved the bird at your window in the snow! Have a happy week, Carol.

  13. oh what a lovely sight in the first photo, perfect nice and warm inside while it's cold outside - awesome!

  14. Love the photos especially the first one taken through the glass window.

  15. Some very wintry scenes. Picturesque but cold!

  16. Hari OM
    What a delightful array for a winter's day!!! YAM xx

  17. this post is packed with sweetness! Lovely photos . I especially LOVE the one of Zoe-be still my heart! Beautiful haiku, and great sketches too!

  18. Enjoy the snow, Carol.
    The fur-person looks sleepy :)
    Your sketches are neat and so is the B&W.
    Have a Great Week!
    Peace :)

  19. I love the rain on the lens overlaying the snow in the first picture -- and the colorful float (we loved seeing those when we traveled 'up East'. And your fur person brings joy to all of us. As do your haikus and sketches. I visit here for a dose of happiness!

  20. The fur-person looks sp cute :)))
    Great photos !!

  21. Not knowing anything about fishing i would not have known what that item would serve best for ;-)

    Nice choice for this weeks letter, educating too.
    Thank you and hopefully till next week at your entry.

    Have a nice abc-day/-week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-w-team)

  22. Wow! What a lovely week's worth of beauty! Thanks, Carol.

    abcw team

  23. Buoy is a good choice for B! You have a lot of nice meme shots in this post!

  24. Lately it has been raining in California so much, that it looks like the drought is over! So, yes, rain today too. Love the little birdie in the snow!

  25. Beautiful series of captures. So well presented for the different memes.
    Happy WW!

  26. Buoy is a great word, I love lobster and think it would be fun to find them. When I was a little girl my dad and I would set out trout lines at the lake and catch lots for our dinner.

  27. I like your photos, but your doggie is always the star!

  28. I always enjoy the peacefulness that your imagery and words exude. Blessings!

  29. Art is saying, "I have no good reason to go out when it's so cold."

  30. Wednesday's 'warm my heart' photo just MELTS mine!

  31. We've had lots of rain, too. And I love the haiku. And your little fur person. So cute.


  32. I've never seen a lobster buoy.What a beautiful thing this is!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  33. What a great post. Packed with some great shots! I love your sketches. I've been working on a winter scene today. Hope I get it down to post tomorrow. I love your puppy he looks so cute. It is a great Warm Your Heart pic!
    Thanks for coming by. I'll see you Saturday!

  34. All great photos...I really love that first one though. Just something about it appealed to me.

  35. Great photos all and I really love the one in your header :)

  36. A very nice series of shots! I like that lobster buoy!!

  37. Lobster buoys are much more colourful than prawn or crab traps. - Margy

  38. Love the shots of the little birdlooking at you and the shadows on the path leading to the beach

  39. Oh, buoy! Kind of pretty. Hope the crustaceans like it!


  40. quite a ramp to the park area! liked your thru-the-window rain/snow shot, too. :)

  41. How lovely that you can receive snow as a gift rather than the curse that many on the East Coast will view it as!

  42. My heart is warmed by that Warm Your Heart Wednesday photo. It cannot get much cuter than that. Well, maybe except the birdie watching you thru the window. Geesh, I'm such a mush! Your birdhouses on the fence in your sketchbook seems like a great idea. Did you really do that? The birdhouses, I mean, not the lovely sketch. Great post all around! Pleasure to be here.

  43. Nice to see ArtMuseDog doing well.

    Such a pretty birdie!

  44. Beautiful gift from the angels and a delightful fur person to enjoy it with.

  45. May your snow beauty be abundant but not leave you homebound.

  46. a sweet birdie and such a cute puppy!! life is rich with love and beautiful sun sets!!!

  47. Nice post. - The rain shot is "nostalgic" looking. Neat colors on the lobster buoy. Cute fur baby, Nice shadow/fence shot & lovely haiku.

  48. That first picture looked cold! Cold and damp. I guess the poor lobsterman lost his trap too if the buoy washed up on the beach. My fur people always warm my heart too!

  49. today's gift straight to my heart "'It is in the shelter of each other that people live."
    ~ Irish Proverb

    thank you dear!

  50. I like the way you captured the rain on your first photo. It looks like 3D to me.

  51. Beautiful shadowy path! ArtMuseDog warms my heart too whenever I stop by here. Hope you have a great week!

  52. Thank you for all these gifts Carol! Especially love your haiku, your bird house sketches, and that little fur person also warms my heart! Stay warm and have a cozy weekend with your art muse.

  53. Hi Carol, Wonderful post! You have the right idea, I think, of putting just one (excellent) photo for each meme. Art is truly adorable! I loved that first shot with water/snow droplets, and also enjoyed seeing the fence leading to the beach. The Haiku was lovely as well. All the best to you and Art!

  54. All these photos are very special. You fur baby is precious!

  55. Really like that rainy window - we had a similar one at Sydney airport, which was bad as the lightning that went with the rain delayed our flight!

    Cheers - Stewart M - (finally back in) Melbourne

  56. Awww - sweet pic of your pup!

  57. You have a beautiful Tuesday and a warm Wednesday.

  58. Yes the gift of snow flakes they are perfect....happy weekend to you and you boy. x

  59. Hello, I love your sweet furbaby! Cute photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  60. That little bird in the snow looks cold...he needs to fly down to Florida today! We have dozens in our feeders this morning. Stay warm!

  61. Always like to stop in and view A Creative Harbor. My favorite image this week is the window with raindrops.
    JM, IL

  62. Hope you are safe and warm. Lotsa snow here in Virginia!

  63. Loved the photos! Hope you aren't too snowed in right now!!

  64. Love the snowy photos! What a nice way to document your week :) I'm popping by from Blue Chair Diary Illustrations!

  65. I enjoyed visiting your week through your photos and the bird drawings are so sweet. I love watching the birds come to my feeder as well. visiting from sunday sketches.

  66. Lovely sunset picture and your haiku is a gift. Beautiful post. :)

  67. You always have such amazing images...a delight to see. I loved your Haiku!

    Lovely journal pages!

    Your little fur person is adorable!

    Have a great week. :)

  68. I love your fur baby photo. Awwww So cute! :) And adore your bird sketches. Precious. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  69. receiving my gift today in your beautiful presence! please forgive my very late arrival-spent a long week in bed and am so grateful to be on the mend!

  70. Very beautiful sketches and photos, Carol!
    Have a Happy Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  71. Love.


    Love all these pictures but your warm heart friend is absolutely heart warming for certain!

    Thank you for linking.



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)