'Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?' ~ Lao Tzu

(scroll down for blog link you want ~ thanks)

Tuesday ~  
Another gorgeous sky on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Our World Tuesday link.

Wednesday ~ 
'A' for Agatha Christie play ~ The MouseTrap ~
in its 64th year and still going strong.

Sharing with ABC Wednesday link.

Thursday ~ 
One of the many 'ornate' fences and gates'
surrounding Buckingham Palace

Sharing with: Good Fences link

Friday ~ 
Another London England photo from my recent trip.
A haiku for you and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart link.

(way of all things go
times a changing everyday
waiting for no one.)

Friday ~ 
An 'etegami' which I am finding fun creating.

Sharing with: Paint Party Friday

Saturday ~ 
The 'Changing of the Guard' at Buckingham Palace.

Sharing with: Saturday Critters

Sunday on Saturday ~ 
Had to admire this young man's discipline to stand so steady
despite the heat and warm sun of the day at
London's Tower with slight shadows

Sharing with: Shadow Shot Sunday2 link

Sunday ~ 
Another 'etegami' sketch from my artist journal.

Sharing with: Sunday Sketches link

We are wishing you magic in your week. xox

Your posted comments add delight to our day. thanks ^_^


  1. Hello Carol, I love your pretty sky. The sketches are adorable, you are good! The changing of the guards and the red phone boxes are some great memories of London. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Hari OM
    Loving your etigami... and the phonebox - a dying species! Your haiku captures that perfectly. Hope you have a super week ahead. Blessings, YAM xx

  3. A great series of photos. I like your photo of the "changing of the guard". Very often that's the kind of view a tourist gets but its seldom seen in photos!

  4. I'd love to have an English phone booth in my house! Love that sky. Boom!

  5. You do get some lovely skies there. And I love you shots of my home city from so many decades ago that I don't remember it!

  6. I would love to see Mousetrap! My husband and I are big fans of A. Christie! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  7. so many beautiful memories of London-and after so many years of being there myself I see nothing really has changed! Am so loving your etegami illustrations Carol! Hugs to you and Zoe.

  8. What a beautiful sky and you are a great artist I love the fish and the rabbit

  9. Wonderful collection of images.

  10. Lovely series of photos. Buckingham Palace has such a beautiful fence.

  11. Thank you for sharing more of your wonderful London trip. I wish we could go back (Sigh. So many places, so little time!) And your haiku and etagami works are as always lovely. The fish one really made me smile!

  12. Nice shots. I enjoy your London pictures.

  13. A very dramatic sky to begin this week's selection. I love looking at other people's photos of London and working out where you were standing when you took the photo. I was probably quite close by on one or two of those days.

  14. I wish I had such patience.
    Love your sketches.
    Fun Vaca

  15. Hi! Your sketches are very nice,I like them very much. I want to watch the mouse trap play in a future. Thanks for sharing.

  16. somehow I lost my comment-oh well- I'm really enjoying your London pics-it takes me back like it was yesterday although it was many years ago. Things look pretty much the same:) I am loving your etegami art!! have a great week.

  17. Beautiful photos and lovely sketches! It must be tough to stand still when it's hot, especially wearing that uniform.
    Love your haiku with the scenery from London.
    Have a wonderful week!

  18. 64 years! That's amazing!
    Great photos and paintings, as usual. :)

  19. Those places, creatures, nature, history, how I'd love to travel there too...

  20. Beautiful shots of London. The Cape Ann sky is awesome and your haiku is spot on!

    Have a lovely week,

  21. yessssss one of my favourite authors....

    Great choice for the first letter of round 19

    Have a nice abc-w-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  22. So nice to return here and view your photography and poetry. I enjoy your work so much.

  23. Your etegami keeps getting better and better every week. Blessings!

  24. A is for Agatha Christie for sure! Great captures..

  25. I love seeing your London photos. It looks like a fun trip. I'll check back to see some photos of Cape Ann, its such a pretty place. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hugs-Erika

  26. Great series of pictures.Have a nice day.

  27. Your rabbit is adorable. Have a great week.

  28. Lovely photos! Is the Mousetrap still going on? Amazing!

  29. Your photo of the Changing of the Guards has me smiling big time. Thank you!

  30. Another wonderful week of tours.

  31. beautiful paintings! and that's a palace gate, for sure! :)

  32. Yes the palace has grand fences. I certainly would not want to stand guard in what has to be a hot uniform on a hot day. Got to admire those guards. Lovely journal entries. I like the one with the bunny.

  33. Enjoyed seeing your beautiful etegamis.

  34. London!!! how very fun!! love the fish too!

  35. Happy PPF!
    PS, I just had to come back to see your adorable etegami cards again:)

  36. Love the horses' rear ends and that's a gate befitting a palace.

  37. I love both sketches.

    They are beautiful.

  38. Just testing comments ~ not just my blog but others ~ wondering what is happening ?????

  39. Fabulous photos and I just adore the fish and bunny with the fun words!! Made me smile big time!!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. loving the photos especially the one of Agatha Christie's movie - very cool!

  41. Beautiful pictures especially the beautiful sky on Tuesday.
    Best regards, Irma

  42. red phone booths are becoming harder and harder to find but then you end up finding them sometimes in the oddest places. like middle of nowhere, side of the road *shrugs*

  43. Oh, Carol...Your etegami is wonderful. How did you create your signature stamp. It is great. Your fish and the rabbit are so cute and the short saying are perfect. My little book arrive and I LOVE it. It may be small, but it is full of information. It was well worth the money and was here in about 3 days. I have gotten some new brushes, and am just gutting some watercolor paper to post card size. I am so excited about learning how to do it. Maybe this week I will see a bit of improvement. I also loved seeing the pictures from London, my magical home away from home. Oh, how I wish I could fly back. I am sitting here with all of these BA request flyer miles but my back just won't let me go, dog gone it. Hope you have a happy week. genie

  44. Enjoyed your photos of London. It's a wonderful city. Your drawings are so delicate. Love the rabbit especially.

  45. Lots of things I recognise in this post - never lived in London, but have visited a few times.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  46. Wonderful cloudy sky and so lovely aspects from London! Also, very creative and funny sketches! Love the one with the carrots and weight...*-*
    Have a very, very good week ahead!

  47. I love the sky and your journal pages. Lovely photos from London as well.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)