Welcome to Cape Ann MA and our harbor where we post once a week on Tuesday to save on the eyes. 

(scroll down for the link you want and enjoy the view.)

'Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures, and the whole of nature and its beauty.' ~ Albert Einstein

Tuesday ~ 
For 'Our World Tuesday' ~ This is what Cape Ann MA looks like 'summer time' ~ lots of different types of 'boats' ~ Notice all the sail boats at the Yacht Club in the distance.

Sharing with: Our World Tuesday link.

One of 3 schooners open to the public on Cape Ann MA ~ It is a type of boat ~ like my naval son said when I called a ship a boat ~ 'Mom, it is a ship.' ~ Well this is a schooner but a type of boat.

'B' for boat for ABC Wednesday link

Thursday ~ 
A rainy day on Cape Ann MA ~ and a good fence.

Sharing with Good Fences link

Thursday ~ 
A haiku for you and sharing with:

Rebecca's Haiku My Heart link

Friday ~ 
An etegami from my artist journal ~ (Edges blurred for privacy)
I try to paint 'one a day' when I am able.

Sharing with: Paint Party Friday link

Saturday ~ 
Anyone know what type of bug this is?  A Cape Ann MA bug?
It was on my deck fence.

Sharing with: Saturday Critters and Camera Critters links

Sunday on Saturday ~ 
A photo from London again ~ this is from Winston Churchill's War Room ~ Very realistic in their representation of what the war room was like during World War II ~

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday 2 link

Sunday ~ 
Another etegami from my artist journal ~ Blurred edges for
privacy of my written words.

Sharing with: Sunday Sketches from London

We are wishing you lazy, hazy dazes of summer. xox

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. thanks, ^_^


  1. Ships or boats, I love them. Your artwork is great!

  2. This is much fun. Great sketch. The sailboats are a sight to behold!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. what really wonderful pleasures to live near the water with views of the boats and ships....
    Funny how Churchill's room reminds me so much of my great grandmother's. Delightful etegame art Carol! happy week and hug to Zoe too:)

  4. Your harbor is such a pretty picture with all those sailboats. Happy Summer, Carol. :)

  5. Excellent shots, I love sailing!

  6. Cape Ann looks beautiful in summer, Carol. Your drawings are always charming. I would like to visit the Churchill exhibit one day!

  7. I love the boats and the bug is very pretty. Have a wonderful week, Carol. Give a big hug to Zoe from me. :-)

  8. Hari OM
    As always, I enjoy my visit to your page! We live in such similar environs on each side of the 'pond'. As a great shipping enthusiast, it is a huge pleasure to see your water craft shots - this article may be of interest... as for your 'bug', it is a <a href="http://www.insectidentification.org/insect-description.asp?identification=Reticulated-Netwinged-Beetle"rel="nofollow+><b>Reticulated Netwing Beetle</b></a>. Have a super week! YAM xx

  9. Beautiful photos. I especially love the one for good fence!
    Haha, I'm not familiar with the difference between boat and ship...when it comes to schooner, I have no idea :-)
    Love the sketches - reminded me of when I was a kid and flied kite. Have a great week!

  10. The boats look beautiful out on the blue water! It's summer time hot here but nice and green outside. Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  11. I love the etegami you are making. Your little Japanese characters go well with the words. You mentioning your son correcting you regarding the 'ship' reminds me of a time I called my brother's ship a boat. ha... I will never forget his reaction. "BOAT! THIS IS NOT A BOAT..." so I got my lesson.

  12. Lots of "boats" and so lovely summer aspects & sketches! Greetings!

  13. nice photos :)

    I was told the difference between a ship and a boat is a boat can go on a ship but a ship wont go on a boat. but then a submarine is a boat even tho most couldn't be carriedd by a ship :p

    1. Thanks, Jennifer ~ think I have heard something like that ~ My son would be proud of you ~ xox

  14. We have been having some of those reddish bugs in our Backyard too. Don't know what they are either.

  15. Lovely choice for this weeks letter and beautiful photo's too.

    Have a nice ABC-W-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (team abc-w)

  16. loving your photos...and the artwork is so so adorable.....hope you have some of them hanging on your wall....

  17. Oh nice shots once again. Hope your week is going by smoothly.


  18. Looks like you had a breezy week, I love the sound of the wind rattling through the rigging of yachts.

  19. another week of wonderful things to see and i love your etagami which i looked up and now understand how to do them..which i might some day.

  20. wonderful photos...i love the rain one!

  21. Hello Carol! Prefect shots of summer on Cape Ann! even some rain doesn't dampen the great views you have!
    Your art journal pages are wonderful!
    Best wishes

  22. i like your kite flyers. and your bug. sweet rainy-day scene and lovely sailboats!

  23. Summer looks beautiful and your etagame and haiku are wonderful. i love the kites. Even the bugs on Cape Ann are beautiful! On your "B" post -- there are boats and there are boats -- the ones you show are way different from the one we have -- and yet, my 'mariner" husband gets as exasperated as your son when I use landlubber vocabulary -- like saying "drive the boat" or "do you want me to throw you the string to tie it" ... he makes me laugh!

  24. GREAT PHOTOS!!!! Love the art journal pages also ♥ Have a great weekend !!!

  25. Ah, buggy looks familiar. I think we have one of every bug in the world in Florida! Send the pic to your local county extension agent and he/she will tell you. Awesome post, as always. xo

  26. lovely etegami for PPF! A kite gives such a sense of freedom. Nice to see your photo below.

  27. luv those kite flyers so much
    Happy PPF; thanks for dropping in at my blog today

    much love...

  28. Love your kite illustrations. They are beautiful!! I also enjoyed all your pictures.

    Have a great day!
    Nora Clemens-Gallo

  29. I hope your misty driving was safe driving---thanks to the wipers!

  30. I think I need new windshield wipers... love the imagery and of course sailing through your world! The etagame are so whimsical, love the kites and the feeling of freedom, also love the Einstein quote on being free... have a wonderful weekend dear Carol!

  31. Those are all great pics, Carol.

    P.S. Person above is right about Reticulated Net-winged Beetle.

  32. Lovely haiku and I very much liked the kite painting.

  33. Wish I could see the entirety of your artistic journal. It looks cool!
    Also loved the haiku, and the sailboats.
    Einstein's quote resonates, too.

  34. Fun sketches. Love the sailboats. I have no idea what kind of bug ... you can keep it! Hugs to you and pup......

  35. Sailboats on the water - so pretty!

  36. bluest blue and little sweetheart

  37. "clarity is in hiding"

    I feel a lot like that these days!

  38. Lovely photos and sweet sketches too!

    Hugs Giggles

  39. It is a rather elegant bug, but one I'd rather have on the outside, no matter how gorgeous looking it is! I'm happy to see the ships (boats) come sailing by in your summer days, enjoy!
    Wren x

  40. nothing better than being out on the water on a fine day - love it!

  41. Can you imagine the conversations that must have been had on that phone?!?

  42. Love your etegami kite series, they give a sense of freedom and happiness.

  43. Carol....I ADORE these etegami. I cannot wait for you to see mine and see if there is any improvement. I am really plugging at it and having a wonderful time. My cold press Fluid watercolor block arrived and it is the best. Don't think it is a heavy flow paper. The schooner picture reminds me of going out on a tall ship at Provincetown Mass. It is beautiful. Letter on the way today. Happy week to you. genie

  44. Your photos are wonderful as is your haiku. The kite flying art is so sweet and free.

  45. Nice Rainy Day fence shot. - I want to sail on one of those Scooners, they look awesome. - Cool looking bug.

  46. Your etegamis are beautiful. I have no idea what etegamis are, but now I am determined to find out.

  47. A wonderful variety of images. Lovely work on the etegami cards!

    Have a great week! :)

  48. I appreciate the way your present your weeks images- have a great week!

  49. That sail-boat looks very peaceful, I could do with a week on it!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  50. I just adore your flying kite illustrations, Carol. So darn cute! :) Wonderful sailboat photos as well. Hope you have a good week.

  51. I absolutely love the schooner! So stately and elegant.

  52. Hello, awesome views and photos. I love Schooners and your wonderful artwork. I wish I could help with the insect id. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  53. Lovely haiku. I needed this! Beautiful pictures as always. :)

  54. I absolutely loved all the photos! Especially the etegami of flying kites. Always enjoy your blog. Sorry I've been so absent lately.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)