Beginning another blog week on
Cape Ann MA with rain and snow, enjoy.

(scroll down for link you want)

'I don't know. We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand out in the dark.
~ Ursula LeGuin

Sun going down on Cape Ann MA making for
ominous sky and gorgeous light.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday

and SkyWatch Friday 

'V' for ABC Wednesday ~

Nature abhors a Vacuum and so birds feast on the summer plants and coconut planter here on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Mrs Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday

Little bird enjoying dropped seeds from feeder after
first snow fall on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Little Things Thursday

A haiku from Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Angel painted with watercolor then 2 layers of encaustic wax to protect it.

Sharing with Paint Party Friday 

First snow fall on Cape Ann MA ~ birds flocked to the feeders.

Sharing with Saturday Critters and Camera Critters

Awesome sky on Cape Ann MA ~ leading up to snow and rain.

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday 2 

Sketch (ala Alexandra) Sunday Sketches
from my artist journal.

Sharing with: Alexandra's  Sunday Sketches

'Best for Last' ~ li'l Zoe snuggling in on a snowy/rainy day. 

We are wishing you a happy week. xox

Your posted comments are a delight to us thanks, ^_^


  1. Hari OM
    Hehehe Zoe's expression says it all!!! Again I leave, refreshed. Blessings, YAM xx

  2. Carol, that first shot is just awesome, let alone that you got SNOW!!!!...:)JP

  3. Some very atmospheric captures here Carol! Thank you and Zoe for sharing.

  4. That sky looks full of menace but the snowy scenes are like Christmas cards. Have a good week despite the cold.

  5. Your choice of subjects is delightful. A beautiful range of colors and subjects, Carol...Zoe being the best subject, of course.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. It looks like a perfect day to stay inside and snuggle. Love seeing your first snow and the angel watercolor! Hugs!

  7. Nice shots - I always enjoy seeing snow and your little snuggler. We're supposed to get some real (below zero) cold this week, our first of the season.

  8. Hi Carol. I came back. Your blog is so inspiring. We all have something creative about us, I believe. Sometimes lack of confidence keeps us from bringing out the creativity we possess. Your Cape Ann photography is just amazing! I live in Texas, and, I am trying to get myself out there on day trips to capture more of the beauty I know Texas has!

    I browsed through your blog a bit, and was amazed by some of the other bloggers who shared their posts. ABC Wednesday did strike an interest in me to look into the play "Under Milkwood". I don't think I ever heard of it.

    I'd best quit rambling on now, and get busy. I design greeting cards, and love to make bookmarks and other printed items at home for gifts. Christmas is a busy and artful time of year. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photos, and sketches. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Suzanne I can only find a link to your Google+ blog ~ do you have another one?

    2. Hi Carol. My original blog is http://kardkornerkrib.blogspot.com Have a great day!

  9. Wonderful photo captures of the light in the sky - and on the water in the first photo. Zoe is definitely the best for last!

  10. I love your images of sea and sky, and the birds, and especially your little puppy dog.

  11. I always love the first snow. It has been fun seeing all the "first Snows" from the northern latitudes this week. I hope you and your little Muse are able to enjoy it too. Love seeing the Juncos when they arrive. We even have a couple of Red-breasted Nuthatches this year. They seem to be wintering with us. Last year none came this far south so it is a real treat. We might get a spitting of snow here tonight. We will see. Love your sketches. I have never done anything with the wax. It always intrigues me when I see it has been used. It gives things a lovely look. Have a great week.

  12. beautiful, artsy captures!!! our juno's have not shown up yet, but will be here soon for sure. they always look so pretty in the snow!!!

  13. Hi! Your sketch is very lovely. I enjoyed your Haiku very much. The bird looks very cold. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Lovely shots. I like that first scene.

  15. I love the photos of gorgeous sky! And snowy sceneries. Beautiful! Zoe had a good idea to snuggle in :-)
    Stay warm and have a great week!

  16. Lovely pictures. We do not have snow, yet! I love you, Zoe! :)

  17. keep the snow there lol

    love that top photo :D its stunning

  18. A big kiss for little Zoe. Your sketches and watercolors are so fun and lively. Some pretty ominous clouds your way. Very cool photos, love the lone bird on the railing.

  19. I like your landscape photos the best of this series!
    And your little dog is so cute!
    Hope you are having a great day!

  20. Beautiful photos, as always.

    abcw team

  21. Zoe knows the best place to be! Love those snowy shots and the atmospheric Cape Ann sky.

  22. a very good choice for v.... lovely photo's again as well. nicely done

    Have a nice ABC-day / – Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-team)

  23. Carol, like your take on “V”. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Beautiful images, Carol. Hugs to Zoe!

  25. Beautiful sky captures. And Zoe looks so happy and content, made me smile!!

  26. Oh you have snow already; I hope the birdie doesn't get frozen.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  27. Alexandra is a cutie! I also like your angel. :-)

  28. We received some snow this week, too, Carol! I was so glad--everything looks prettier covered with snow! I love to feed the birds in winter but the squirrels here eat more seed than the birds do

  29. Overwhelmed by the variety..pictures, art, poetry, quotes, birds and animals:)
    What a delight going through your post, Carol:) Thank you for this amazing bouquet:):)

  30. Wonderful shots! I really love the skies and envy you the snow.

  31. Nice post with a beautiful variety of photos.

  32. Hello, pretty sky images. The artwork is always beautiful. I like the cute junco. Sweet shot of Zoe. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  33. Hello Carol! It must be so nice now, that first snow came; i'm still waiting. :) And your cloudy skies are amazing, such dramatic landscapes. As always, inspired lyrics and quotes, among delicate drawings. Little Zoe is cosy at warm.
    Best regards and a very lovely weekend! Alexa

  34. Hello dear Carol! I don't know if you know, your haiku link is on yesterday's post! I went looking for you when you didn't show up on the 9th! Love those love waves and the solace our lady the sea brings... Those purple mittens are so cute and I want to be curled up with Zoe in that cozy place! Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend! XO

  35. Our lady the sea, a wonderful haiku.

  36. Oh I love that little birdie photo and your angel painting is beautiful! Sweet Zoe too...

  37. The sea can be a cruel mistress or the kindest of lovers. May she always be the latter to you!

  38. I love your Alexandra sketch, and I still love your little Zoe. :)

  39. I feel like I have visited Cape Ann as you posted for each of the blogs you participate in. It's even overcast in Los Angeles.

  40. I do not just pick one, I love seeing all the various sights and events.

  41. A lovely week representation Carol

    much love...

  42. Good morning, Carol! I wanted to stop back and say thank you for sharin your cute Zoe and the sweet Junco. Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  43. hello dear friend hello cold stark winter! thank you for your haiku at recuerda mi corazon. i grew up on the coast and also sailed around the world for years in my twenties. the ocean is a vast pure open palm of comfort and renewal for me. thank you!

  44. Love your haiku and your junco! Always nice to see Zoe, too.

  45. Lovely clicks, really nice haiku and cute sketches!

  46. Hello Carol!:) It's the time of year for snow, except here in Portugal it's warm and sunny. I like all your captures,...the moody winter skies, the bird, the cute figures in your sketches, and especially sweet Zoe.:)

  47. Wonderful. We have had our first snow down here on the north shore as well. Just a bit so far though. I love the first quote. So true and hopeful.

  48. Love the artwork and photos! Those skies are amazing! Have a wonderful holidays!

  49. cute piece for SS in the Alexandra style!

  50. Your photos are making me wish for snow. Maybe if I sketch kids in warm woollies it will snow down South.

  51. what a lovely peek into your world, love your work

  52. I love seeing the little birds and Zoe is such a cutie!

  53. I love the sweetness of this whole post...it makes me so happy! The art, birds and ZOE....all adorable!

    Hugs Giggles

  54. I'm with Miss Zoey ..l I'd be snuggled up in that blanket to in your weather. But I'm glad you braved the elements to take your beautiful sky pictures. And I love your intrepid little pigtailed mittened girl ... she won't let Winter scare her that's for sure!

  55. Oh gosh, it's looking chilly with you - sending you some Aussie warmth it's 31 degrees right now here in Melbourne! Art Muse dog looks like she has life sussed, snuggled up with her blanket!
    Happy Days!
    Wren x

  56. Lovely photos! I like your haiku very much. Hi to Zoe!

  57. I love the contrast between the snow and the red flowers. Very beautiful. Adore your angel and had to chuckle at your sketchbook drawing. I smiled ear to ear. Thank you. x

  58. Nothing like the first snow of the season. The poor flowers do not look happy. Love the junco!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)