Happy New Year 2017 ~ may all you wishes
and dreams come true. 
from all of us on Cape Ann MA 

'Far away in the sunshine are my higher aspirations.
I may not reach them but I can look up and see the
beauty, believe in them, and try to follow
where they lead.'
~ Lousia May Alcott

Tuesday ~ Our World Tuesday
A bit Our World on Cape Ann MA ~ some awesome skies
recently; usually a fore warning of a storm ~ Gratefully it
has been rain ~

Sharing with Our World Tuesday Meme link

Wednesday ~ ABC Wednesday
Z for Zoe ~ none other than alias 'artmusedog' on Cape Ann MA ~ do hope ABC Wednesday will continue and much thanks to all who have kept this wonderful link going. Thanks.

Sharing with Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday

Thursday ~ Good Fences link is back ~ Yea! Thanks.
Several kinds of fences on Cape Ann MA
with added attraction ~ a little Xmas tree in a boat
There is a railroad fence to right and boatyard
fences to the left in the background. Holidays have kept us busy
with other things besides photography.

Sharing with Good Fences link

Friday Skywatch ~ 
Another fantastic sky on Cape Ann MA
overlooking the breakwater ~

Sharing with Sky Watch Friday

Friday ~ Haiku My Heart 
A haiku for you and photo of Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart link

Friday ~ Paint Party Friday

Another variation on an angel on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Paint Party Friday link

Saturday ~ 
A darling 'critter of a sort' at local Xmas party
on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Saturday Critters and Camera Critters

Sunday ~ Shadow Shot Sunday2
Shadows on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Sunday Sketches ~ 

Thank you card design for Xmas gifts and other occassions.

Sharing with Sunday Sketches

The Best for Last ~ Sweetie resting.

'Enough, already, I need some rest from all that holiday festivity.' ~ Sleep, I want to sleep.

We are wishing you the best in 2017. ^_^

Your posted comments add delight our day. thanks ^_^


  1. Happy New Year, Carol. Wishing you all the best. By the way, LOVE the little angel.

  2. Zoe and I have the same idea...sleep. Difficult to sleep when the weather is so warm. I feel like I need to keep moving to enjoy all the warmer weather. I am almost looking forward to the cold so I can hole up and rest. The sky photos are arresting. I could sit there and watch clouds swirl and move. Wonderful drawings. Happy New Year.

  3. "heart light shining through" -your photos , art and words always show it Carol. Love your thank you illustration as wel as your peaceful angel. Good thing i don't live near as I would be too tempted to have Zoe for myself. Happy New Year!

  4. Love your Friday Haiku! And I need to get a post ready to link with good fences again! Happy New year sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  5. Well, two bonus views of your puppy, great skies, a Christmas tree in a boat, and more. Happy New Year to you!!

  6. Some excellent skies and of course Zoe is always adorable. Have a wonderful 2017!

  7. Cute Zoe, especially when sleeping! Lovely sky shots and I like your cute Sunday sketch!

  8. Beautiful photos and sketches :)

  9. Happy New Year Carol - hope it's your best one yet! Your card is adorable :) That Christmas tree on the boat is a cute idea!
    Wren x

  10. Great post. Loved all the photos

  11. Happy, happy new year, Carol and Zoe! Hoping to see more of beautiful Cape Ann this year!

  12. More fabulous skies....love "Doggy greets flower"!
    Wishing you both a joyful and creative 2017...

  13. Your skies shots are astounding! And, Louisa May Alcott's quote just fits in with the great photos. I so enjoyed all of your photos today, the Christmas tree in a boat, fences and, the shadow shot. Happy New Year, Carol.

  14. Lovely choices, Carol. Happy New Year!

  15. Lovely shots and your Sweetie is adorable!

  16. Loved the drama in skies! Lovely!!

  17. Nice skies - hope all is well.

    Cheers and (a slightly belated) Happy New Year - Stewart M - Melbourne

  18. Lovely Zoe, perfect choice for this last letter of the 19th round

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  19. Amazing pictures but the Zenith of all has to be the gorgeous beautiful Zoe, she so adorable,
    All good wishes for 2017.
    ABCW team.

  20. Always love seeing photos of Zoe - she's absolutely adorable! hmmmm....there's your A post! lol

    abcw team

  21. Nice skies, we have been having subtle pink sunsets which I think you would enjoy with your watercolours. Love the thank you card, and the original model of course.

  22. Your sky shots are so pretty. Some nice fences (cute tree floating in the boat), lovely shadows and adorable Zoe. So much fun to stop in an see what's happening in your neck of the world.

  23. Just to answer your question about my fence today. Yes the wood on the fence is a soft rose colored pink with a dark grey flower.

  24. Zoe is the perfect Z word. The drawing of her and the flower is very darling. My heart smiles seeing it. :-)

  25. Puppy looks freshly shorn! Quite dapper!

  26. lovely sky colours - hope you've had a good week :-)

  27. Wow, what a dramatic sky!! Happy 2017 to you!

  28. Awesome series for the week and you took wonderful shots from your harbour town! Love you cute Zoe and the little x-mas tree in boat. Amazing skies

    Wish you have a fantastic year ahead and peace

  29. Carol, I love the view across Cape Ann. You have so many wonderful photo contributions for each day of the week associated with its meme. I really need to investigate some of these to join in but it seems I'm already stretched a bit thin. :) The thank you note card is just adorable! BTW, you'll now find my SWF contributions now on Thursdays, here, and of course, if you want to some more laughs you can check out Friday Sillies. Have a blessed, happy new year, my friend!

  30. Lovely series, never seen a Christmas tree in a small boat before...
    Happy New Year from Germany

  31. Hello carol, I love your sweet Zoe. Beautiful sky captures. I like the Christmas tree boat. I always enjoy your sketches, you are talented. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  32. Happy New Year to you and artmusedog.

  33. I can never get enough images of Zoe... your skies this week are spectacular and your haiku dear Carol speaks right to the heart of all that matters... have a beautiful and warm cozy weekend!

  34. What a sweet angel and delightful card. Zoe is a beauty by any name!

  35. LOVE that Christmas tree in a boat. How adorable is that. I know you are going to get some snow before too long. Perhaps Ms. A.M. Dog would be interested in the extra dog bed I have...in Florida.....for the winter? Drat! I knew you would say no. Happy Weekend!

  36. Happy New Year, Carol and Art Muse dog, Zoe! You have such spectacular skies over Cape Ann--such beautiful changing weather and cloud formations. Are you getting snow today? Love your angel and thank you card artwork ans sleeping pal---so cute!

  37. I'm loving the shadows along the fence, shadows that take me right back to summer!

  38. Hello, It is always nice to see your sweet Zoe. Adorable puppy dog! Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  39. Love all of your photos this week. You have such a great eye for detail ♥ Loving the puppy ♥♥♥♥ My little Yorkie has become the love of my life but we won't tell the hubby that yet :) Great art today too... Angels are always awesome.

  40. Luv that Sunday Sketches Card best of all

    Happy you dropped by my blog this week

    much love...

  41. Happy New Year, Carol! Zoe is so right: to much festive moments, so she must rest and sleep awhile.(*_*) The quote is wonderful: "...higher aspirations.
    I may not reach them but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
    Also, incredible and dramatic winter skies; wonderful pictures! At the beginning of the year we had blue skies, too. Now, we have lots of snow, finally after so many time...
    Best regards in January and a very lovely weekend to you!

  42. Such incredible photos of the gorgeous sky!
    I love the Christmas tree on a boat. Looks like it was enjoying a little ride :-)

  43. Magnificent skies and little Zoe is such a pretty little girl. Love the shadowy walkway in black and white.

  44. Lovely photos! Zoe is making me a bit sleepy in that last one.

  45. Little Zoe is adorable! Your skyscape is amazing!! Happy PPF :)

  46. Beautiful images today. I especially loved the first one and what a cutie Zoe is!! Enjoy your Sunday!!

  47. Awesome skies indeed Carol. Seriously good photos.

    Wishing you and Zoe a Happy New Year from over here in England.

  48. That is such a sweet card for SS, perfect!

  49. I love your Christmas card design with cute little Zoe as your focal point. Happy New Year!

  50. Beautiful sky shots, so very dramatic, and your thank you card is adorable, and so is the model.

  51. sweet angel and SS. Your haiku is lovely too.

  52. Love that thank you card! wishing you a good 2017.

  53. Art Muse Dog -- or Zoe (I guess I should call her by her real name, since she was the star for your "Z" post) looks wonderful in her Christmas bow. And as the subject for your note card! and even in her sleep. She can't take a bad picture (or pose for one).

    Happy New Year!

  54. thank you carol! your haiku is so descriptive of my week, which explains in part my late arrival! xo


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)