And so another blog week begins on 
Cape Ann MA ~ last week was another snowy
week ~ so some more snow photos  lots of photographer links,haiku, sketches and more ~ Join in ~ 
Love to have you. Have a great week.

(please scroll down for link you want, thanks.)

'Not the day only, but all things have their morning.' ~ French proverb

Tuesday ~ 
Everything on Cape Ann MA
was covered with snow 
last week even our
Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Statue.
She is behind a fence only because the boulevard is under construction.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday

Wednesday ~ 
The Gloucester Fisherman on Cape Ann MA
after yet another snowstorm in between a
rain storm.

Sharing with ABC Wednesday ~ Letter is G

and Outdoor Wednesday

Thursday on Wednesday ~ 
A snow covered fence that is part of a gazebo overlooking the park and ocean
on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Good Fences Around the World

Friday on Thursday ~ 
In between snowstorms on Cape Ann MA ~
a lovely sun set beginning.

Sharing with Sky Watch Friday

Friday ~ 

Angel of Patience ~ on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Paint Party Friday

Friday ~ Haiku
Haiku for you and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

(shroud of living breath
protecting the inner soul
chaos reigns, peace comes)

Saturday ~ 
Even the birds after the storm begin to look
for food and playtime on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Saturday Critters

Sunday on Saturday ~ 
After the snowstorm on Cape Ann MA,
shadows begin to fall on the sledders
from tree by the beach.

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Sunday ~ 

Angel of Courage on Cape Ann MA

Sharing with: Alexandra's Sunday Sketches

We are wishing you the best in each day. xox

Your posted comments are a treasure to us, thanks ~ ^_^


  1. Poor cold fisherman and his wife (and poor cold you being out there in the snow taking pictures). Loving the angels. I definitely need patience right now and probably courage as well.

    Where is your Muse today?

  2. The watercolors are awesome. While you are covered in snow there, we have been wet, wet, wet. Seems like rain does not want to leave California after it has been gone so long.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  3. Despite the fact that I DO NOT like winter one bit, the snowfalls do show a special beauty. Hope you will be able to warm up a bit though and lose some of those piles. Your angels are just darling-what a lovely series you are creating. They would make wonderful affirmation cards as a deck:) Enjoy your week Carol-and hugs to Zoe:)

  4. lovely photos, especially the angel of courage. I like the colors!

  5. Nice shots. Interesting statues.

  6. Hari OM
    bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! &*> YAM xx

  7. I love snow. This time of the year we should be having this kind of weather but no, we are somehow in the throws of spring. Like winter forgot our area. I am not really complaining but it feels weird. Your little angels have so much personality. Have a great week.

  8. Such lovely sceneries in the snow! Especially the view from gazebo, it's stunning!

  9. wow such alot of snow, good to see people enjoying it.

  10. The paintings are very cute Carol.
    Lovely snowscapes. Stay warm. :)

  11. Lots of fun snow shots this week - I wish you'd send some snow our way!

  12. very pretty angels :)

    the snow makes everything so pretty :) I miss sledding, well until I remember you tend to get snow everywhere even wearing a snowsuit :p

  13. From snow to warm! Oh New England!

  14. I love your Angel of Courage standing by the seaside at Cape Ann, MA. Happy ABC Wednesday!

  15. The snow looks really pretty! We're supposed to get hit in Nebraska on Friday.


  16. Amazingly beautiful snowscapes!
    The one with a bird is divine..

  17. Good choice for G, love the photo's but not the snow ;-)

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  18. I do so enjoy seeing the snow this time of year in summer Australia! thanks! have a fabulous week, keep warm, and thanks for the visit over to my blog this week.

  19. Your angels are beautiful! I enjoyed your snow scenes-- from a distance!

  20. I like the statue of fisherman. It's good shot. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I am looking at the statues in the snow, has anyone draped them with warm clothes?

    1. No ~ no one has draped with warm clothes ~ thanks for stopping by ~

  22. Lovely series of photos!
    My favorite is the sledders

  23. I love your angels! Every time I visit your page it makes me want to visit Cape Ann. So beautiful!

  24. Oh I do miss snow! I like the shot with the statue of the fisherman.

    Although I was in India for 10 days - 7 of those were in the office! I made the most of the weekend!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  25. You share the best photos! The sunset is lovely. I adore your art, also. Blessings, Mildred

  26. Now this was a different & very special view of Cape Ann in the snow! I love the statues & sunset & sledders enjoying the snow!
    Pretty angel paintings too!
    Best wishes!

  27. Wow that is a lot of snow, pretty. Its hit Scotland but here the first daffodils are with us, and a lot of rain. Although I have seen lots of statues to fishermen I've never seen a statue dedicated to fishermen's wives before, a nice thought ('they also serve who only stand and wait' and all that).

  28. I´m glad I am not the statues at the harbor. Looks cold :)

  29. Sunsets remind me of how beautiful endings can actually be beginnings just as long as you have a strong hope. just as strong as your beautiful shots!

    Greetings from the Philippines!


  30. Funny how pretty I find the snow now that most of ours has melted. I love the shot of the fisherman and the gray sky behind him.

  31. Pretty sky shot, and I like the photo of the people sledding in the snow!

  32. I love the statues. Hopefully we will get through this winter without any more snow or ice.

  33. I like the fisherman sculpture but it must be so cold there.What lovely angels

  34. If you have to have snow, you might as well enjoy it! Fantastic shot-looks like a lot of fun is being had!

  35. Beautiful work, love the angel. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  36. So glad that the inner soul is protected, especially when chaos reigns! Happy Haiku Friday, Carol!

  37. I love your cute angels! Thanks for the beautiful winter photos.
    Happy PPF xx

  38. Love your fences and snowy photos. A very nice sunset.

  39. A great post with all the challenges.
    I like the painting and the haiku !
    well done!

  40. How I love the seasons through your lens Carol. Thank you so for these beautiful portraits of your world.

  41. Nice fences today. I liked seeing the statues as well. The snow looks pretty but I'm thankful right now that we have no snow on the ground. - Enjoyed your post very much.

  42. The snow is gorgeous! Love all the photos and your angels are so pretty too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  43. So much and so lovely snowy scenes!! Winter is amazing next to the shore of sea... Great aspects captured; many thanks for sharing them with us! As always, so amazing quotes and thoughts in haiku.
    Have an amazing and lovely weekend! Alexa

  44. Love those statues. they kind of fit with the feelings of your haiku. Sweet journal angels xo

  45. Happy PPF
    Warm wishes and keep safe, thanks for this weeks share

    much love

  46. What beautiful snow pictures! I love the haiku and your angels are so sweet.

  47. Beautiful photos Carol! We haven't had much snow at all this year and nothing worth taking a photo of for sure. We've had more warm days than cold and that's extremely rare for us. Your art is very nice this week too. Have a great weekend and a productive week ♥

  48. You had more snow than we did in ALB. Ours is all but gone

  49. Hello Carol, your post is lovely and your dear Angels of Patience and Courage are adorable. Cheers :D)

  50. Of course, I love the bird in the snowy tree...but today, my favorite is the very first one...the wife/child statue covered in a dusting of snow.

  51. I'm looking for the peace after the chaos. Thanks for the haiku.

  52. ...lovely snowy scenes, I think that I'll stay with sandy scenes a bit longer.

  53. What a sweet little angel. Your photographs are lovely, too.

  54. Hello Carol. And thank you for those rather lovely snow scenes. I do love the sledders trailing thought the snow. It looks like they are about to have a wonderful time. As lovely as it all looks I must admit I am looking forward to a little spring warmth and sunshine soon.

  55. Thanks for the sledding shot. It's been a long time since I lived in New England and was able to do the same thing. Sweet memories!

  56. hello, I love those fishermen and his wife statues. Sweet shot of the Junco. Your snowy scenes are pretty. Beautiful angel drawing. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  57. You angel of patience looks lavender...which doesn't have anything do to with me! haha! But I love her and the snowy scenes too. Nice for those that enjoy playing outside no matter what the weather! Happy weekend!

  58. Loving all the snow pictures, especially the one with the fence. Have a lovely Sunday!

  59. I like your coupling of chaos and peace, yes both can exist side by side, food for thought...happy Sunday...x

  60. By Friday and Sunday.
    Angels are around.

  61. I'm loving these angels and needing both patience and courage lately.

  62. Hi Carol and Zoe! Beautiful pictures and art. Glad you all are okay! Crazy weather this year. Your pictures show the beautiful and fun side of snow. Have a great upcoming week! Hugz, Rasz

  63. Lots of lovely winter photos to see! Thanks for sharing!

  64. Your snowy photos are lovely. We've barely had a hard frost here all winter, and now it's back to Spring with not a single flake to show for winter.

  65. Wonderful to see your Cape Ann MA pictures! It's such a sweet place! I love your little angles too!

  66. thank you dear carol for your love, peace and support.
    stay warm-spring is waiting for us all!

  67. Adore your little angel series going on. SO sweet and precious, Carol. Keep them coming! :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)