Welcome to Cape Ann MA where we are creating a slightly simpler blog. We are still linking and sharing with
photographers, haiku poets, sketchers and painters
from around the world. The links, though, are listed at the bottom 
of this post instead of below each photo. 
We hope you enjoy your photo visit of 
Cape Ann MA.
(I will be adding a few photos later this week ~ thanks.)

'The heart that gives, gathers.'
~ Tao Te Ching

The US Coast Guard heading out on maneuvers
Cape Ann MA ~ just a bit of Our World here.

Rubenesque colors and calm harbor before the storm on
Cape Ann MA 

M ~ for the Mighty Ocean ~ on Cape Ann MA
after yet another storm ~ New England ~ 'ya gotta' love it
or leave it.

Through the glass door ~ Fences of the deck protecting
us from the wind and snow. Notice little Zoe braving
the weather to 'do her duty'. Now aren't you ready for Spring?

Thankful for the 'little things' of Cape Ann MA ~
keeping the harbor operating in all kinds of weather.

Sky and Haiku on Friday on Cape Ann MA

It was a joy to see the sun rising after what seemed like
a month of cloudy, rainy, or snowy days.

Busy week not much time to create ~ Good
News is 3 of my Mixed Media Collages
sold at local Rockport Art Association

You can tell it is still cold on Cape Ann MA ~
even this lovely horse has a blanket on.

Shadow Shot of Winter hopefully waining on Cape Ann MA
It has been quite the Winter ~ I am ready for Spring and sunshine.

Angel of Spring ~

Hoping she will bring some Spring time weather to

 Cape Ann MA

Saving the 'best' for last ~ 
We have had so little sun that even the little 'fur person' was squinting in the sun when we had one day that was almost spring like.

Thanks to the following blog links listed below for hosting. 

We are wishing you a peaceful and happy week. ^_^

Your posted comments are a wonderful connection to you ~
thanks ^_^


  1. Hari om
    Aw Zoe...we grab those moments preciously, eh?! Love and hugs YAM-aunty xxx

  2. where to start....lovely quote. Super beautiful haiku. The Rubenesque photo is mesmerising-gorgeous! Always love seeing the ocean no matter what the weather. And dear Zoe- I hope to be basking under the sun soon too:) Happy week to you!

  3. Thanks for another great post. I always admire the way you can capture the different moods of the sea - and especially the colors. Thanks too for your kind comments on my blog.

  4. You must have picked the right day for your photos because it looks beautiful. We've finally had some real snow here, although it usually moves right out.

  5. Very lovely images and quotes.

  6. A mixed picture of weaather and colours today Carol. A little bit of everything to fascinate your readers. Stay warm little Zoe.

  7. The horse looks happy even with his coat on, must be nice to feel the sun and the weather thawing things out.

  8. The calm and the storm - both beautiful in different ways.

  9. Beautiful shots. The horse looks cold, the dog almost appears to be in a different season. The shot through the glass door is a neat effect.

  10. Our area has not been sun filled either. The tulips stand like little soldiers with their cups full of color all closed. When the sun glimpses from behind a stack of grey clouds my heart speeds up and their cups open up. So looking forward to some sun filled days.

  11. P.S. My brother was a career Coast Guardsman. Every time you show a picture of one of their boats it brings him to mind.

  12. such pretty colours in the harbour pic :D very cool shot through the water on the glass :)

  13. Harbor Before the Storm - you captured wonderful light!
    Love to your little Fur Person!
    Have a great week!

  14. Hi! I like you Haiku very much. The photo before the storm is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Beautiful photos...Zoe is so cute! And, the horse is very pretty. I love seeing your pictures of the Cape and the Coast Guard along the water. The rain did look cold! Very nice post. Have a great day!

  16. Wonderful photo's... that one with the special color just before the storm is gorgeous

    Have a nice ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  17. Zoe needs sunglasses! What a nice post -- you've had such a long winter, but you still find the beauty in it and I love that. Beautiful water, sky, scenery -- and Zoe of course. Quite taken with the harbor boat -- they have a hard job in the winter, gosh!

  18. Your photos are even more lovely than usual. I have missed visiting here and need to get myself back on track with my blogging!

  19. What a nice coat for the horse ! I quickly scrolled over the snow picture (can't see any snow anymore, lol) and love your little doggie !

  20. That little red boat that keeps the harbor open is doing a stellar job!

    My Ruby Photo

  21. Glad to see Art Muse dog is getting some long awaited for sun. Happy April.

  22. So precious moments captured; amazing warm "colors and calm harbor before the storm" and lovely sun rise, as well! Of course Little Zoe is the delight; she is cute, for sure!! A very sensitive mix of lyrics and thoughts, pictures!
    Best regards and a very wonderful Spring in April! Alexa

  23. Lovely pictures as always, Carol. :)

  24. Here's wishing you and your furry friend a lot more sunny days. :)

  25. Love the photo of her basking in the sunlight on the deck!!!

    And, odd that your Coast Guard has black boats...ours here in Texas are white and orange.

  26. Seeing the changing weather up east reminds me of my childhood in New Jersey. It was all a part of life and I never dreamed that I would some day be living in Florida and complaining about heat and humidity. It is possible to get out of the cold by piling on the blankets and basking in the sunlight but much more difficult to escape the heat without air conditioning.

  27. Spring is coming soon! We have a rain warning....

  28. Your spring looks like ours, Carol. Warm one day cold the next. We had snow 3x this week! But the trees are budding and the sun is shining and soon real warm springa nd summer will be upon us. Inliked your photo through the wet window--it reminded me onf an Imressionalist painting!

  29. You did save the best for last, Muse Dog is a cutie. I hope Spring weather comes soon to your part of the world. Blessings!

  30. Mighty Ocean is a marvelous choice for the letter M!

  31. I LOVE, LOVE the water shots!


  32. I like the picture of the fence through a glass door. It looks like it was raining out there. That is a cute horse with a blanket to keep it warm. Have a happy day!

  33. We've had a really slow and cool spring here too. Mostly rain, thankful it wasn't snow. - Poor Zoe braving the rain. Nice shots of the Coast Guard, Good Fences and of course your sweet Zoe. Wishing you sunshine & laughter.

  34. Your 'Rubenesque colours' photo is gorgeous. The horses here have still got their blankets on too, its very muddy underfoot at the moment so I hope they don't feel tempted to roll:)

  35. Your B&W through the window photo is sublime, Carol. It reminded of pencil illustrations in The New Yorker.

  36. Through the glass door looks very artistic! Love the fur person too.

  37. Great post and great photos. We had a glimpse of Spring last weekend, but then it vanished as quickly as it arrived.

  38. Wonderful post, lovely art and photos. Your four legged assistant looks beautiful. Hope you soon have better weather. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  39. Sweet Easter angel! Congrats on the sales.

  40. Thanks for sharing your wonderful post. I love your sweet angel.
    Happy weekend ♥

  41. Your cape Ann photo is lovely, the light!

    This quote stopped me to consider and enjoy:
    'The heart that gives, gathers.'
    ~ Tao Te Ching

    Such a sweet little angel.

  42. Dear Carol, your haiku shined through right to my heart... So happy to hear about your collages finding new homes and glad to see you have gotten some sun. That last pic of Zoe also sent a ray of sunshine! Have a lovely, cozy weekend! XO

  43. hopefully the snowy season is over. The fence image looks abstract because of the wet window

  44. Wonderful photos. I love the one of the horse!

  45. Goodness. Does Spring ever come there?

    1. Spring is in hiding this year ~ ^_^ ~ May get summer and skip spring ~

  46. wow, love the pinky colours in that second picture! I can totally understand Zoe enjoying the sun ... I'd hate to still have snow. Hope Spring will come soon!

  47. i love how the sunset made all the buildings glow in orange. Gorgeous!

  48. I love the harbor shot... very pretty!! Have a great weekend.

  49. Rubenesque is just the perfect word to describe the colour in that seaside scene. I like the Coast Guard shot, too. And the creativity of the through the streaming glass image.

  50. Zoe is finally enjoying some sun. Horse certainly needs that wrap! Hang in there Carol, Spring is a coming....!

  51. That horse looks so warm and cozy. Things are going to thaw out soon. It is going to be 74 here today.

  52. you did save the best for last!! such a cute horse and horse warmer!!!

  53. Wonderful photos of life - so enjoyable to go through the different stages of your world.

  54. I do hope spring arrives soon. That second shot is stunning with those colors. Your little ArtMuseDog certainly is the best!

  55. Love the light you captured in the second image, Carol. Though all of these captures are delightful! Have a wonder-filled weekend!

  56. My heart gathers beauty when I visit here.

  57. For your sake, I hope winter is on the way out too! Happy shadowy weekend!

  58. Hi Carol-
    The Rubeneque colors are indeed very beautiful.
    I particularly love your through the door photo - very unique and neat.
    Looks great in B&W!!
    Is the angel in the sketch wearing bell bottoms? Cute!
    And, the fur person always gives me a giggle.
    Lovely post!
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  59. I hope your weekend is better by now Carol. None of that snow and much more sun I think.

  60. Nice to see that the snow there is finally taking leave! I love the glass door shot.

  61. Very beautiful images. Love the colors of the sea....I grew up in MA, but had to leave. I miss it still.....x Karen

  62. You seem to have captured every bit of weather this week, along with an adorable lounging Zoe and some beautiful angels! Now that is a balanced post!!

    Hugs Giggles

  63. Welcoming your Angel of Spring for SS!

  64. lovely images and art! I love the "Through the Glass Door" photo...so interesting!!!
    Happy Sunday Sketches~

  65. Beautiful photos as always. You must be so tired of winter. Seems like it took it's time showing up this year, but now it doesn't want to leave!

  66. I love all your images- especially the "fur" person! Cheers!

  67. All I can think of when I saw that buoy was Jaws! The wet door looks like an impressionist painting! I always love that sunset glow.

  68. What a beautiful haiku and painting of the spring angel! I also loved the before the storm photo, the colors are so pretty.

  69. Great collection of photos ... wish you a great week!

  70. As long as your light keeps shining, all is well!

  71. ...a wonderful collection, Carol.

  72. A great selection of images! The second one is gorgeous!

  73. Beautiful photos, Carol. I love the calm before the storm. Congratulations on selling 3 of your mixed media pieces! :)

    And your angels...again, darling! :)

  74. Hello Carol, Your photos are lovely this week. The first one of the Rubenesque colors of your harbor is spectacular!
    ~~ Irene

  75. So many beautiful things to see here! I love the ocean shots and the angels. Congrats on your sales!

  76. shining through darkness.....thank you for your light,love and strength. xo


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)