A ShutterBug Explores ~ Wordless Wednesday

We are linking with: Wordless Wednesday
We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. What a lovely shot. I love your photography.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. My best to you and Zoe. ♥

  2. A beautiful place! You have a great eye.

  3. what a really beautiful photo Carol. I hope you don't get hit with a lot of snow. As of now I'm hearing 1 - 3" in my area and that's more than enough for me.

  4. A very peaceful landscape ! At least you have a little blue sky ! Here it's grey and humid since a month !

  5. Carol,

    How's life treating you? What a lovely photograph! I bet you're having some cold & snowy weather about now. DD#2 now lives in Maine and they are fixing to get blizzard conditions if they aren't already experiencing it. I don't do winter too well and am looking forward to spring. I know, I'm a whiner. :) I hope you're having a good new year so far and I pray for that good health, happiness, and success follows you throughout 2018. Thanks for being such a good blog bud! ;)

  6. Hey Carol and Happy New Year to you and Zoe, and I don't know what you did but it looks like a picture from years gone by, wonderful *grin*

  7. Wow! It resemble a painting.... Great capture
    Hope it was a wonderful beginning for u :)

  8. lovely view :) the photo has a vintage look to it :)

  9. Looks a great view. Love how the light works in the photograph ...

    All the best Jan

  10. Lovely view. Cape Ann is a beautiful place!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)