A ShutterBug Explores ~ Our World Tuesday

'The hardest thing to understand in the world 
is the income tax.'
~ Albert Einstein

Cold blue sea and snow on Cape Ann, MA.

We are linking with: Our World Tuesday 

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. beautiful crisp capture Carol - enjoy your week

  2. LOL on the quote. Although I kinda agree.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  3. Hari OM
    Chillingly beautiful. YAM xx (Who's been away, so a bit behind on comments!)

  4. Beautiful blue sea color! And I'll bet that water is very cold. (Water temperature in Bridgeport CT harbor is 36.5 F. Brrr.)

  5. similar view at home- minus the lovely water :( . Hope all is well!

  6. Beautiful view! A good laugh from the quote!

  7. I don't think we have gotten as much snow as that here this year lol :)

  8. A lovely view from inside the window.

  9. This reminds me of my garden except for the water. Brrrrrrrrr it feels like 0° here this morning.

  10. I had to laugh at the quote and then I thought about what we're going to pay in quarterlies and then it wasn't so funny.

    Wow, that's cold, but a beautiful shot.

    Have a fabulous day, Carol. Big hug to you and lots of lovies to Ms. Zoe. ♥

  11. Stunning photo! and I love Albert's quote!
    Have a lovely day with Zoe!

  12. So true about taxes. Lovely winter image.

  13. Is the sea always that blue? And I am so glad my hubby handles our taxes!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)