A ShutterBug Explores ~ Saturday Critters

'One can never consent to creep when
one one feels an impulse to soar.'
~ Helen Keller

Not a real critter but a timely one for Halloween and 
All Soul's Day  from Cape Ann MA

We are linking with: Eileen's Saturday Critters.

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. I have always wondered if nature's creepers know what it means to soar.

  2. love the photo and the quote! Happy November to you.

  3. Looks like some neat decorations! Enjoy your weekend my friend!

  4. I've found 3 dock spiders in our basement! It's a theme!

  5. Oooh Belated Halloween wishes .... (I just swept a ton of real spiders off our porch beams ... they’ll be back tomorrow ((.

  6. Love this … hope you had a great Halloween.

    All the best Jan

  7. Fun pic, i would enjoy having that critter to decorate here!

  8. Hello, cute Halloween decoration. I am glad it is not real. Sorry, I am late visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your critters. I hope you have a happy day and weekend ahead.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)