A ShutterBug Explores ~ Thankful Thursday

'Ultimately to succeed sometimes one must cultivate
an attitude of gratitude, of giving and forgiving.
No other can bring you peace but yourself.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Grateful for this scene on Cape Ann MA.

We are sharing with: Thankful Thursday.

What am I thankful for:

~ to be able to take walks with my little yorkie
~ to find outdoor places I can practice 'social distancing.'
~ for living where we do.
~ for each day that the Corona Virus numbers decrease
~ for those healthcare workers still doing their jobs
~ for grocery store workers and truck drivers
for life in general and that we are healthy
~ for family and friends
~ for blogger friends helping me to stay connected at
this difficult time for all.

We love your comments, thanks, ^_^

'artmusedog' aka zoe



  1. Those are terrific thankfuls, blogging buddies are just the best. Howdy pretty Zoe. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. And I am thankful for this beautiful window to Cape Ann which is your blog. And most of all thank you for being one of my first friends when I went back to blogging for Cavite Daily Photo, will never forget your kind comments and visits and of course Miss Zoe!

  3. We bloggers have given each other so much joy and comfort during this trying time. I too am thankful for all the blogging buddies I have. Some I've had for more years then I can count.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Carol. Big hug to you and lots of lovies to Ms. Zoe. ♥

  4. Those are beautiful thankfuls. I love the Emerson quote, that is the second of the day for me, Purrseidon had an Emerson quote as well, Ralph Waldo surely knew his stuff!

  5. Hari OM
    Gratitude duly spread! YAM xx

  6. Hello, what a beautiful view. It is nice to find a place to walk where you feel safe and can keep the distance. Love the quote! Enjoy your day!

  7. gorgeous view to take in for sure! Wonderful gratitude list and quote too.

  8. You have beautiful walking places.

  9. Ultimate truth. There is great layers of rock shades and i hope you stay safe.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)