A ShutterBug Explores ~ Aww Mondays

'The question was not how to get a job, but how to live
by the jobs I could get.'
~ Dorothy M. Richardson (The Long Day)

Meet  Angel, my little 'rescue dog' on Cape Ann MA .

She resembles my deceased Zoe; but Angel has a unique personality of her own.
I had stopped looking and thinking about another dog; when Zoe's former
groomer contacted me about a yorkie that needed to be rehomed. 
I was astounded that her name was Angel and she was an older dog
 which was perfect as I didn't want to start raising a puppie again. Angel was an
answer to my thoughts and prayers. She has been with me for 2 weeks now
and has been to the Vets and all seems well. She seems happy ~ she loves to play with
her toys, she is housebroken, loves to take walks and she even 
meditates beside me in the morning. She is also very social and very alert.

Yesterday, a girlfriend came to visit and do painting with me. Angel barked
when Christina came to the door (up till then she had not done so)
 and then I realized Angel was being
territorial which was a good sign ~ she was protecting her territory.
She was home.

I believe that Zoe sent this 'angel' to me and I am grateful.
Zoe will be forever in my heart and now Angel is adding love to my life.

So, Welcome, Angel. 

We are sharing with: Sandee's Aww Mondays.

I love your comments, Thank you.



'Zoe' (in memoriam)


  1. Ms Zoe did a great job sending someone to help heal your broken heart. I'm not surprised. Angel is now home. Wonderful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Carol. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Angel. ♥

  2. Such a sweetie little Angel and we're glad she settled in so nicely!

  3. She barked - wonderful! That really tells us that she is home, such a sweet little one. I am so glad you two found each other. Hooray!

  4. Oh yes! Zoe certainly had a paw in sending Angel to you! I am so happy for you and for Angel....you are both blessed. Hugs and more hugs! Have a lovely day every day!

  5. Hello,
    Angel is beautiful. She has a wonderful new home. I am so happy for you and your sweet Angel. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week!

  6. What a delightful little companion! She was protected her home, that is precious. Wishing you and Angel a wonderful life together and we will all always remember Zoe so fondly. HUGS across the miles and enjoy this new week.

  7. Oh, I'm glad you shared this with us! Angel...she is sent from above! I know you will love and enjoy her and she is pretty cute too! Makes me smile just to see her all alert , ready for anything! I'm so happy for you....for you both! Hugs!

  8. Zoe knew you needed Angel- and she delivered. No better love.

  9. Welcome, Angel.

    New love in our lives doesn't replace the old, it just stretches our hearts to hold more.

  10. As this post has filled my heart with joy for you, I can only imagine how you feel. If we as the Universe for heart felt goodness She will answer. I am so happy for you and Angel. I am sure Zoe is doing a little dance of happiness for you.

  11. As I looked at Angel again I noticed that she isn't a heavily marked as Zoe. Her fur does give her an ethereal look. Perfect name for such a dog. Happpy happy for you.

  12. Hari Om
    My heart is singing for you both! YAM xx

  13. That's lovely, sweet and touching to hear what's going on with Angel :)

  14. Angel is an angel, from Zoe. Such a sweet dog.

  15. Hi new friend Angel! Ojo here! Welcome! I think you have landed in a good place with a good person! Also you are very cute! We are sure Zoe is looking down on you and smiling. We can't wait to hear more from you!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)