A ShutterBug Explores ~ Our World Tuesday

'Some look at things that are and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not?'
~ George Bernard Shaw

Soon this small harbor on Cape Ann MA will be crowded with
mostly pleasure boats but a few working boats.
 Loved boating but lost my Captain several years ago
and our boat was too much for me to handle alone ~
Now I enjoy watching others and being near the water.
Grateful that I had boating in my life ~

It is a short season  (boating and life) but so lovely.
What do you miss in your life today?

We are sharing with: Our World Tuesday.

 I love your comments. Thank You.



    Angel ~ my rescue  yorkie ~ love her ~ Xox

    'Zoe' in memoriam ~ Xox~ love her always.


  1. So sorry for your loss. It is a tranquil scene.

    1. Loss was several years ago so I am doing well ~ there is always residual but that is life.
      Happy Days to you ~ Xo

  2. You must always have something of interest to watch living by the harbour.

  3. you must really miss being on the water with your captain. Glad you have great memories. Happy Easter

  4. Lovely quote from George Bernard Shaw.....

    I missed walking on the beach almost every week when I was kid...

    Happy Easter

  5. Without a doubt, I miss traveling and the freedom to go.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. Being near the water is such a joy, i don't get that in my day to day life and i do miss it.

  7. I think I have missed a lot in my life, but as I do care for them anymore, I always want to experience what is left before it leaves me away. Glad you had a boat and enjoyed boating, and I'm sure you cherish those moments every time you're close to water. The harbor looks quiet now, and I hope people enjoy their time following the pandemic norms.

  8. Though not a boater, there are scenes not unlike this which catch my eye, bring a memory forth and then I too, will miss the captain who kept my life on course ...

    1. Losing our partners does make it difficult sometimes ~ no one to share our deepest thoughts or even our daily decisions ~ not easy but we 'keep on.' Xo

  9. Although you miss your Captain, it appears you adjusted your sails beautifully and with heart.

  10. I understand your love of boating. We sure enjoy it, but we are both slowing down. We still go and enjoy we just do it slower. A wonderful thing to do together.

    Have a fabulous day, honey. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Angel. ♥

  11. What wonderful memories to have, especially that you can continue to enjoy the boating and water right outside your window. have a wonderful week my friend!

    1. yes, like Bob Hope used to say 'Thanks for the memories.' Xo

  12. I miss going out in the boat and camping when we went fishing. My husband died a little over a year ago and summer was full of weekends at the lake. I am grateful I have terrific memories and I can fish from shore. Have a marvellously happy day!

    1. Lots of hugs to you ~ not easy to lose our precious partners in life ~ glad you are still fishing ~ Xo

  13. Oh you lucky lady. It is sad that you lost your Captain but wonderful to have fabulous memories of time on the water.

    1. yes, I feel fortunate to have had the life I had and for the life I have. Xo

  14. I'm sorry for your loss, but your attitude about it is inspiring.. My father passed away a little over a year ago and we used to take literary based vacations together. One of my faves is when we did a Hemingway vacation and read aloud from his books around the fire each night. We laid lilacs on his and Miss Mary's grave in Idaho.

    1. Difficult to lose our loved ones but as you wrote ~ such treasured memories we have ~ Xo

  15. Oh Carol... my heart goes out to you. But I am so glad you have good memories of experiences that you delighted in, while you continue to make new and different kinds of memories. There are so many things I would never be able to do without my captain, boating included. Your post reminds me that the things I do miss right now are insignificant ... and also reminds me that circumstances can ... and will ... change and to treasure the memories.

    1. Thanks, Sally ~ loving and losing is all part of life ~ difficult to accept but can only change my self ~ Serenity Prayer is one of my mantras ~ Thanks for caring ~ Xo

  16. Missing someone helpful is indeed saddening. The picture is lovely.

  17. I'm glad you have such fond memories, really. Hugs from all of us.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)