A ShutterBug Explores ~ Our World Tuesday

'Have respect for yourself, patience and compassion with these you can handle anything.'

~ Jack Kornfield

Harbor cruise during thunderstorm on Cape Ann MA.

Weather has been erratic ~ last weekend it was 'winter' this weekend it was hot and humid. How is the weather where you are?

We are sharing with: Our World Tuesday.

 I love your comments. Thank You.



    Angel ~ my rescue  yorkie ~ love her ~ Xox

    'Zoe' in memoriam ~ Xox~ love her always.


  1. We are having sunshine and blue skies for a change. Have a good week.

  2. I like this photograph.
    We've had some nice sunny days ...

    All the best Jan

  3. Love that cruise boat! It's been H3 here, hazy, hot and humid!

  4. Love the quote and it's ever so true.

    The weather has been very hot for a couple of weeks. We're now entering and cooling off period. Love 70s for a few days. I'm happy about that. I wish we would get some rain though.

    Have a fabulous day. Love and hugs to you both. ♥

  5. Nice shot of the sky and seas, stay warm.

  6. Beautiful colours in that moody sky. It's hot here, but supposed to cool down in the next few hours.

  7. It has rained some every daY this week. Some days sprinkles some days more. It is hot and humid when it isn't raining.
    Those waters.in your picture look winter-like. Grey and brooding.

  8. Nice photo. Our weather this year is so different from last year. Less rain, more overcast and more wind. Today is actually nice for here. LOL

  9. Always love the boat scenes- not so sure I'd want to be on any kind though in a pending storm. Same weather here- another day added to the heat wave today with several hours of thunder and lightening- but no rain...

  10. It does look lovely out on the water.

    It's hot here, but it's a swamp, it's what we expect.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)