A ShutterBug Explores ~ Art Date

'Courage is the most important of the virtues, because without it, no other virtue can be practiced consistently. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous of honest.'

~ Maya Angelou


More of the Memorial Day theme from Cape Ann MA

As a young bride and about to be a Mother ~ I was always writing letters to my husband who was serving in the 101st Airborne in Vietnam. It was not a 'popular war' as was WWII and much protesting was going on against the war ~ Even when the Veterans came home they were treated very poorly and it wasn't until years later that they were finally honored.
War is not something I support but I do support those very young people that serve ~ they are the best of best and proud to serve. And so this week my posts are in honor of all those Veterans who served and serve in the military of the USA ~ despite that I am a 'dove' at heart. And so this my artistic creation although a simple creation it comes from deep within my soul.

We are sharing with:

Rain's Art Date.

Prayers for the people of the Ukraine

 I love your comments. Thank You.

  • 'Carol'

    'Angel' ~ a 'rescue' who rescued me.

    'Zoe' in memoriam ~ Xox~ love her always.


  1. My brother and cousin served in Vietnam. Not a good war at all but none are.

  2. A wonderful tribute Carol, thanks for sharing! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Nice one Carol. Happy Thursday


  4. Beautiful and such meaningful artwork to honour the day.


  5. My daughter is earning her way through college as a medic in the Army National Guard Reserves. None of us want war, all of us are proud of those who step up and defend the country when it is attacked.

  6. Is this the same beautiful piece you shared with us at Art Journal JOurney. I love seeing it again. Happy June. Hugs-Erika

  7. One of the many tragedies of Vietnam is that too many people were not able to separate their opposition to what was an unjust war from how they treated those who fought in it. Men came back from the war with their own traumas and got treated terribly by many of their own countrymen.

  8. I couldn't agree with you more ... Our Veterans serve on our behalf and many pay a painful price. We must honor and thank them for their service. I hadn't heard the term "Dove" in years. It triggered a slew of memories of the Viet Nam years. I am grateful that your husband came home to you and I know you made him know how proud you are of him. Beautiful piece, Carol ... very touching!

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  9. So appropriate, Carol! Your art piece is poignant and beautiful. The people who volunteer in our services are the best.

    I'm a dove too, but I do regret that I never served in one of the forces. When I graduated from high school in Canada, as a female you could be a nurse or a secretary in the forces, and my parents (both veterans) insisted I go to university.

    When I was teaching my elementary students here in the US, I always emphasized Veterans Day and Remembrance Day. My kiddos wrote letters to soldiers in the Gulf War and the soldiers wrote back! ~ One visited our class when he returned home. And one lucky year, I actually had young Navy men volunteering in my class once a week.

    We must never ever forget the sacrifices those who serve and those who love them make. I can't imagine what you went through, new bride, pregnant, and your husband in Vietnam.

    btw, my first husband was in the 101st Airborne. He never made it to Vietnam because he was in a car accident and paralyzed within 24-hours of shipping out. His uncle was driving him, probably to Long Beach. I met him years after this accident. My first husband never got over the fact that he wasn't with his unit, especially when most of them died in Vietnam. He thought maybe if he had been there things might have turned out differently. The Screaming Eagles were so brave. You'd never get me to jump out of a plane.

  10. Here here Carol. Lovely words and lovely art. I'm not pro-war either, but war happens, and if people we love are involved, we need to honour their courage. I love that you wrote to your husband while he served, I'm sure it kept him going in his darkest moments. Hugs and love! ♥♥

  11. A couple of years ago, i interviewed six men who had served in Vietnam. They each had very different stories to tell and most were poignant. I was given eight names, but two declined to share their stories. Each man who did share had a very different perspective on the war, but it was still all the same when they came home. Some were bitter, some turned to drugs, some nearly committed suicide. We did little to help them back then, from what I have gleaned. Now, at least, there are a few support groups (both emotional and financial) where they can turn. This is quite thought provoking and I think it's a lovely tribute. I hope we all remembered to honor those who died in the service to their country this past Memorial Day.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)