A ShutterBug Explores ~ Art for Fun


Angels of the world from Cape Ann MA.

We are sharing with: 

Art for Fun

Prayers for the people of the Ukraine

Ziggy ~ my new assistant 

  • Ziggy ~ my assistant ~ resting after work

    I love your supportive comments. Thank you.



  1. Lovely angels to greet and guide us. We are thankful for them.
    Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday at my blog today


  2. We sure need them don't we. Have a very nice day today.

  3. ziggy is adorable.... so glad you got a new assistant to keep you in line! LeeAnna

  4. The world could sure use those Angels about now.

  5. Beautiful and creative!! Enjoy the weekend

  6. Sweet angels of the world united! I love your depiction, Carol. ❤️

  7. We need them everywhere, especially on the interstate highways!

  8. I'm wishing your angels were real as we need them all over this world. Come to think of it, we need to be angels for one another.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)