Welcome to our blog where we view life through the eyes of an artist soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today and every Monday we are hosting MAGICAL MONDAY MEME to explore a variety of modes of creative expression. We believe that everyone is creative in their own way, that creativity, in fact, is spiritual and can be a very healing medium to strengthen the inner spirit or soul. Whether you are being creative with your hands, mind, heart, (more likely with all of them,) you are creative. How you manifest your creativity comes through a strong belief in your self. Being a parent, a worker, a wife, husband, mother, father, daughter, child, grand parent, single person, you are filled with magic each day to decide how you want to utilize your time. 

Come share with us the magic in your life, the silly, the major or minor ways you see magic bringing creative thinking into your life. It could be how you parent, how you solve problems, how you cook, photograph, sketch, paint, play, knit, or write and more. These are just a few suggestions. The above  photo is a piece of 'magic' in my day. Why? I had forgotten about these little creations only to discover them when I was trying to declutter my studio. It was such a delightful find as it reminded me of how detailed I could be in sketching and how atcs actually improved my art ability. Even magic or magical living takes practice, practice, practice and then voila! It seems like Magic!

To link up with Magical Monday Meme, go to the bottom of this post and click 'enter' then fill in your url to your Magical Monday Meme. Please make sure it is a direct link to that post and please leave a link to us on your blog. You can copy the 'button on the side bar' or just use a link that is above on your blog dashboard. Keep it simple; you know how to do it. Looking forward to all the wonderful ways bloggers are creative. 

We are also linked to Macro Monday and Creative Everyday

Hugs and namaste,

We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Hope is the thing with feathers ~ that perches in the soul...' (Emily Dickinson)


  1. I love these ATCs--like mini masterpieces! I hadn't thought of framing them like that. Also...Just wanted to let you know that someone started a game of blog tag today and I tagged you. You can see my blog for more info--absolutely no obligation to play along, but I wanted to feature a few of the bloggers I enjoy you! Happy Sunday, Carol :)

  2. Very nice ATCs! Yes, a delightful find. :)

  3. Yes, beautiful cards, every one :)The full Emily Dickinson quote is one of my faves too, she really connected with nature :) Thank you so much for hosting!

  4. These look GREAT!!!! Thanks for hosting - have a great week.

  5. I love your blog and the way you greet with a 'namaste'. The cards look refreshing to me. There is a 'magic' in connecting with positive minded people.

  6. I love the new look to your site! Inspiration I found in the early morning hours while going through e-mail. This is very exciting!!! Yeh!!
    My best your way with inspiration sent your way.

  7. I love the new look to your site! Inspiration I found in the early morning hours while going through e-mail. This is very exciting!!! Yeh!!
    My best your way with inspiration sent your way.

  8. Very beautiful ATC cards! I like them.

  9. Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful week.

  10. beautiful way to celebrate creativity!!


  11. beautiful way to celebrate creativity!!


  12. Awesome...the cards are super.
    Hope your week will be a happy one.

  13. Awesome...the cards are super.
    Hope your week will be a happy one.

  14. I love that you framed your ATC's. They're beautiful. Great idea for a meme.

  15. Lovely :) thank you for hosting...

  16. Your cards are looking great. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. :))

  17. What a fun and interesting idea. Thanks for welcoming us in to your creative world and sharing your beautiful work. :)

  18. oh what wonderful Aceos Carol!!!! wonderful work and I love your blog hops!!!

  19. A very creative photo and the cards are beautiful !

  20. I love the whimsy and soul in your ACEOs and this idea for a blog hop is really great- I love seeing the creative in all we do. :)


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)